Sustainable Management
Pillars of Sustainability
We are a socially responsible company with the environment with which we interact. We work closely with the needs of our communities in terms of education and infrastructure, carrying out activities with schools and the community in general.
These are initiatives that contribute to the growth, development and quality of life of employees.
Operational Management
These are actions associated with the environment and continuous improvement in our plants.
Relationship, being a good neighbor and contributing to the community in its economic and educational development.
Sustainable Development Goals
Water savings due to the implemented closed-cycle recirculation system, which saves 6.9 million m3/year, with a recirculation rate of 750 m3/hour. The water that is replaced is the loss by evaporation and rainwater and treated effluents are reused.
Use of energy from renewable sources, natural gas in the rolling process and use of more efficient equipment and supplies. Operational improvements in processes.
Waste utilization rate greater than 95%. Since 2018, more than 33,000 tons of iron scale managed for co-processing.
Use of materials of recycled origin (billet) for the manufacture of our products. Lower environmental footprint, increased circularity while maintaining quality.
Between 2018 and 2021, more than 145,000 tons of scrap have been collected and managed for recycling. With management towards transformation processes, closing the cycle of the circular economy and source of income for 160 scrap suppliers.
Inventory of emissions for the period 2019 - 2021 under the GHG Protocol methodology. 37.6% reduction in the intensity of direct CO2 emissions (scopes 1 and 2) compared to the base year, with a 40% increase in productivity.
Environmental Recognitions
NUVI Agreement
Company that offsets the most emissions for use of GN CO2 Neutral.
Cleaner production.
Promising Practices Catalog.
We feel a high commitment to respect the environment. We have a set of practices aligned to the norm ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, certification in force since 2014. The objective of the system is to guarantee full monitoring of the production process, from the use of raw materials, through the industrial part, to the dispatch of our products and the destination of waste generated in the process. Environmental management adopts the principles of legal compliance and the continuous improvement of our activities, prioritizing respect for the community and our collaborators.
Our company has managed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of sources of renewable energy to 46% photovoltaic and the combustion of natural gas for the rolling process; It has wastewater treatment as internal and external policies to avoid water, soil and air contamination.
Water and Air
The water is a valuable resource, That is why we manage and optimize its use in all our activities to manufacture high-quality products, as part of our responsibility and sustainability with the environment. In our production process we take advantage of 97% rainwater, which is used for equipment cooling.
We constantly make efforts to reduce the emissions generated in our plants. We improve operational efficiency together with the rational use of materials and fuels. We use natural gas in all reheat furnaces to reduce its impact.
In order to preserve the environment and reduce material deposits in inappropriate places, we recline annually around 50,000 metric tons of ferrous scrap.
We have a unit dedicated to its management that also allows us to generate employment through the extensive chain of scrap collection and processing.
Most of the scrap we recycle comes from materials that are no longer useful to society, such as white goods such as: stoves, refrigerators, car parts, construction steel remains, waste from production processes, among others. . These materials are reused and transformed into new steel products.

Scrap utilization cycle:
Scrap Collection
Processing (Cut and Bales)
Loading Containers for export
Co-Products and Waste
As part of our hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste management programs, we make the necessary agreements and connections with interested parties to reuse the largest proportion of said waste, generating significant compensation for emissions, which contributes great benefits for the environment.
Industrial: From our transformation process.
Reused Waste
Discarded and Treated Waste
Flux Waste
Sawdust and Oil Waste
Lamps and bulbs
Domestic / Pet Plastics
Municipal Waste
We are committed to building solutions that transform present and future generations. We constantly motivate our collaborators to live our value, people with people and contribute to the well-being and development of our society, being sensitive and close to their needs.

Metaldom Reports
Memorias 2023 Gestión de Personas
View ReportMemorias 2022 Gestión de Personas
View ReportMemorias 2021 Gestión de Personas
View ReportMemorias 2020 Gestión de Personas
View ReportMemorias 2019 Gestión de Personas
View ReportMemorias 2018 Gestión de Personas
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Final Report
Informe Final 2022 Reporte Integrado
View ReportInforme Final 2020 Reporte Integrado
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Sustainability Report
Reporte de Sostenibilidad 2018
View Report