Gerdau Metaldom vaccinates its employees and members of the community

2021 Aug 06
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Santo Domingo. - The multinational steel company Gerdau Metaldom held a vaccination day against COVID-19 for its staff at the Duarte Industrial Park and members of other companies that are located in the same park, as well as external people who live in nearby communities.

More than 80% of Gerdau Metaldom personnel have already been inoculated with two doses and the company joined 1,720 people from outside the company in this event that seeks to guarantee the health of the entire community and mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

"People have responded with great enthusiasm and responsibility to this call to voluntarily get vaccinated against COVID-19 within the Duarte Industrial Park. Our collaborators know the importance of safety in our workplace and in our surrounding communities and we hope to arrive soon 100% vaccinated," said Ingrid Lapaix, Regional Director of People Management at Gerdau Metaldom.

The company explained that it took preventive measures to avoid contagion and guarantee the safety of its personnel, among which is the limitation of access to spaces, remote work, bus capacity at 50%, acrylic dividers in the dining room, massive tests , installation of sinks in various areas, hygiene kits among other actions.

Staff who have had their two vaccinations applied to date are recognized with various incentives, such as days off, supermarket purchase vouchers, and additional points in the company's recognition program.

In addition, Lapaix motivated the other industrial parks in the country and other companies to emulate these measures, continue to vaccinate with enthusiasm and not lower their guard against the coronavirus to together get ahead of this situation that affects the country and the world.

Gerdau Metaldom is the main company for manufacturing finished steel products in the Dominican Republic, with an installed capacity of more than one million tons per year.