Gerdau Metaldom is recognized for its Industrial Health and Safety practices
2020 Jul 29

The steel multinational Gerdau Metaldom received the Recognition for Excellence in Safety and Health at Work granted by the Ministry of Labor, after evaluating the company's preventive programs in terms of health and safety.
The Ministry of Labor awards this recognition, through its General Directorate of Industrial Hygiene and Safety, to companies that promote in their managers and workers a culture in their workplace that guarantees a healthy and safe workforce.
"In the context of the pandemic that is affecting us, Gerdau Metaldom continues to put people at the center of the strategy for the continuity and recovery of the industry and the achievement of common goals, which is why we are very pleased to receive this recognition from the Ministry of Labor after all the efforts made in terms of health and safety”, said Nelson Gil, Safety, Health and Environment Manager at Gerdau Metaldom.
He explained that the company has been carrying out training on health and safety for the general public, internal public, clients, contractors and the construction sector.
“When, thanks to the work of many years, you have a solid culture in terms of security, the solutions and actions that we must carry out in the face of challenges such as COVID-19 are more clearly visualized. From the beginning of this situation we were able to establish clear protocols for each process and have the support and commitment of all the collaborators”, he added.
The metallurgical company recently launched new internal and external communication channels, which together with its traditional channels allow them to educate employees and their families on the best way to take care of themselves, in addition to analyzing each of the areas where people interact to ensure adequate conditions. protection, hygiene and distancing, assessing the conditions of the most vulnerable and those affected by the health situation in the country and the world.
Grupo SID, Ecolab, Barrick Pueblo Viejo, Banco Popular Dominicano, EGE Haina, Johnson & Johnson, Brenntag Caribe and Texaco were also recognized for their health and safety practices.
Gerdau Metaldom is the main company for manufacturing finished steel products in the Dominican Republic, with an installed capacity of more than one million tons per year.
The company has two production plants: La Isabela Industrial Zone and Duarte Industrial Park, it also has a generating plant on the Malecón de Santo Domingo, as well as distribution centers in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, thus serving the Dominican market and that of Central America and the Caribbean.
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